Lirik Bad Religion - American Jesus dan Terjemahan

 Terjemahan Bad Religion - American Jesus 

I don't need to be a global citizen
Aku tidak perlu menjadi warga dunia
Because I'm blessed by nationality
Karena aku diberkati oleh kebangsaan
I'm a member of a growing populace
Aku anggota dari populasi yang berkembang
We enforce our popularity
Kami menegakkan popularitas kami
There are things that seem to pull us under
Ada hal-hal yang tampaknya menarik kita di bawah
And there are things that drag us down
Dan ada hal-hal yang menyeret kita turun
But there's a power and a vital presence
Tapi ada daya dan kehadiran penting
That's lurking all around
Yang mengintai di sekitar
We've got the American Jesus
Kami punya Yesus Amerika
See him on the interstate
Melihat dia di jalan tol
We've got the American Jesus
Kami punya Yesus Amerika
He helped build the president's estate
Dia membantu membangun perkebunan presiden
I feel sorry for the earth's population
Aku merasa kasihan bagi penduduk bumi
'Cause so few live in the U.S.A.
Karena begitu sedikit tinggal di U.S.A.
At least the foreigners can copy our morality
Setidaknya orang asing dapat menyalin moralitas kita
They can visit but they cannot stay
Mereka dapat mengunjungi tetapi mereka tidak bisa tinggal
Only precious few can garner the prosperity
Hanya beberapa berharga dapat mengumpulkan kemakmuran
It makes us walk with renewed confidence
Itu membuat kita berjalan dengan keyakinan baru
We've got a place to go when we die
Kami punya tempat untuk pergi ketika kita meninggal
And the architect resides right here
Dan arsitek berada di sini
We've got the American Jesus
Kami punya Yesus Amerika
Bolstering national faith
Memperkuat iman nasional
We've got the American Jesus
Kami punya Yesus Amerika
Overwhelming millions every day
jutaan luar biasa setiap hari
He's the farmer's barren fields
Dia bidang tandus petani
 (In God)
(Dalam tuhan)
The force the army wields
Kekuatan tentara wields
(We trust)
(Kami percaya)
The expression on the faces of the starving millions
Ekspresi di wajah jutaan kelaparan
(Because he's one of us)
(Karena dia salah satu dari kami)
The power of the man
Kekuatan pria
He's the fuel that drives the Klan
Dia bahan bakar yang mendorong Klan
(Cave in)
He's the motive and conscience of the murderer
Dia motif dan hati nurani si pembunuh
(He can redeem your sin)
(Dia dapat menebus dosa Kau)
He's the preacher on T.V.
Dia pengkhotbah di T.V.
 (Strong heart)
(Hati yang kuat)
The false sincerity
Ketulusan palsu
(Clear mind)
(Pikiran jernih)
The form letter that's written by the big computers
Bentuk surat yang ditulis oleh komputer besar
(And infinitely kind)
(Dan jauh jenis)
The nuclear bombs
Bom nuklir
 (You lose)
(Kamu kalah)
The kids with no moms
Anak-anak tanpa ibu
(We win)
(Kami menang)
And I'm fearful that he's inside me
Dan aku takut bahwa dia dalam diriku
(He is our champion)
(Dia adalah juara kami)
Yeah, we've got the American Jesus
Ya, kita punya Yesus Amerika
See him on the interstate
Melihat dia di jalan tol
(We've got the American Jesus)
(Kita punya Yesus Amerika)
We've got the American Jesus
Kami punya Yesus Amerika
Exercising his authority
Berolahraga otoritasnya
We've got the American Jesus
Kami punya Yesus Amerika
Bolstering national faith
Memperkuat iman nasional
(We've got the American Jesus)
(Kita punya Yesus Amerika)
We've got the American Jesus
Kami punya Yesus Amerika
Overwhelming millions every day
jutaan luar biasa setiap hari
(One nation under God)
(Satu bangsa di bawah Tuhan)
(One nation under God)
(Satu bangsa di bawah Tuhan)
(One nation under God)
(Satu bangsa di bawah Tuhan)
(One nation under God)
(Satu bangsa di bawah Tuhan)
(One nation under God)
(Satu bangsa di bawah Tuhan)
(One nation under God)
(Satu bangsa di bawah Tuhan)
(One nation under God)
(Satu bangsa di bawah Tuhan)
(One nation under God)
(Satu bangsa di bawah Tuhan)
(One nation under God)
(Satu bangsa di bawah Tuhan) 
(One nation under God)
(Satu bangsa di bawah Tuhan)

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